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Reward & Recogination

Star of the Month
The "Star of the Month" award recognizes exceptional individuals within our community who consistently shine bright in their contributions. This award celebrates their dedication, hard work, and outstanding performance. They are the guiding stars, lighting the way for others to follow, and their commitment to excellence sets them apart as a beacon of inspiration.

Super Star of the Month
The "Super Star of the Month" award is reserved for those outstanding individuals whose brilliance and exceptional achievements have left an indelible mark. These individuals not only consistently excel in their roles but also elevate the entire organization with their innovative ideas, leadership, and exemplary teamwork. They are the driving force behind our success and represent the epitome of excellence.

Legend of the Month
The "Legend of the Month" award is the pinnacle of recognition within Digital Palam. It honors those rare individuals who have not only achieved extraordinary success but have also dedicated their time, expertise, and resources to create a lasting impact on our community. They are the embodiment of a true legend, leaving an enduring legacy and inspiring future generations with their remarkable contributions.
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